The PrisonWatch foundation has been established to watch over foreign nationals. The mission of PrisonWatch is to make a human connection with those detained abroad and to create awareness about their situation.
By visiting them we can contribute to inclusiveness for those who are excluded. By doing so PrisonWatch likes to contribute to a humane, inclusive and fair society.


Our fellow citizens are detained practically everywhere in the world, and in large numbers. Worldwide over half a million foreign nationals are in prison. They encounter multiple difficulties in daily prison life as a result of their foreign status, language difficulties and distance from their loved ones. They are often socially excluded and are unable to exercise their rights. In a way, they are doubly socially excluded: from society and within the prison. In practice, they hardly receive any visitors.


One human being visits another, helps someone in need. We do it often and it would seem self-evident, especially when the person is close to you. But for those detained in a foreign country, visits are extremely rare. Receiving a visit by someone of their own nationality, means the world to them.

Research shows that visits by volunteers have a positive impact on foreign nationals during detention and it gives them a better chance to build up their lives after their release.



PrisonWatch coordinates a broad network of certified volunteers to visit foreign national prisoners. We select, recruit and train them to the highest standards, and obtain access to prisons. PrisonWatch works with prison services, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, consulates and various national and international
(non-)governmental organisations.


If ‘to feel human again’ is what we can do for our fellow citizens in prison, we should do it. We invite you to help us make this human connection with those detained abroad, by connecting to and supporting PrisonWatch.


Source: World Prison Brief, 2024